Career Advice for 2023 Grads

Where you start is not typically where you finish in this ever changing career landscape, but strategically planning your direction is an important element for early career job-seekers. So many of my clients feel that sending out a ton of resumes in response to a job push notification is looking for a job.
An excerpt from an article on entitled, “Career advice for the class of 2023: How to find a job you love,” reads as follows:
A lot of college grads take the same approach to their job search: They scroll, scroll, scroll job boards, then apply, apply, apply, said Gorick Ng, a Harvard career advisor and author of the book “The Unspoken Rules.” You may submit a dozen or a hundred applications — then wonder why you’re getting radio silence. It can be defeating and leave you feeling more directionless than ever.
Click here to read the article for a multi-faceted approach with practical steps and great advice...