Clients Get Results with NK Careers

Parent of Twins Recently Graduated from College - Job Search, Negotiations, Interview

Naomi first started coaching one of my twins to land his first job a year after graduating college. Beyond helping him with his resume, job search process, interview preparation, and LinkedIn profile, she built his self – image to project confidence in himself and his skill sets. The salary for the job he ultimately accepted was higher than what he projected earning! She then coached his twin brother in negotiating a 14% raise, followed by helping him navigate a job offer from a competitor, resulting in a 47% wage increase. My twins were at first reluctant to work with her as they didn’t think they needed help. Yet quickly they appreciated her and were eager to seek her guidance. I attribute the success of my twins to Naomi’s wisdom, vast understanding of the labor market and the job search process, and her unwavering commitment to ushering my twins to their dream jobs!

Parent of Recent College Graduate - Branding, Networking, Interview

I am so impressed with Naomi’s professional expertise. She helped my son redo his resume, improve his LinkedIn profile, expand his networking capability, and hone his interviewing skills. She was also incredibly generous with her time–responding to his questions and concerns quickly, while establishing a relationship of trust and confidence.

Early Career Client - Job Search, Interviewing, Dream Job

I had more interviews during my time with Naomi than I ever did applying to black hole online applications. Now almost a year later I have my dream job. Her pragmatic approach, passion, and genuine knowledge about the job market and specific industries with hiring capabilities was truly an enormous help. We worked on multiple applications, interviewing techniques and setting short term attainable goals all at once. I would recommend anyone from a recent graduate who is beginning their job search, to the lifelong professional ready to transition in his or her career to work with Naomi.

Parent of Happy Employed Daughter - Branding, Interview, Job Search

Simply put, Naomi is the best. With a skilled and steady hand (and heart), Naomi re-energized my daughter’s job search by revamping her resume, polishing her LinkedIn profile and working tirelessly on her interview skills, all directed at playing to my daughter’s strengths and career objectives. The results speak for themselves: happy employed daughter in just the right place.

Early Career Client - Job Search, Resume, Guidance

Naomi is an incredible person to work with. Her knowledge and expertise have been invaluable in my pursuit of finding the right job. She is more than just someone who looks at a Resume/CV Letter; she is a sounding board whose advice I value over most.

Parents of a Recent College Graduate - Full Package

We cannot express how helpful Naomi was to our son during his job quest. She helped him in all aspects of his search, as well as giving him the needed confidence and reassurance that he would be successful. This included improving his resume and his Linked-in profile, helping him search for job possibilities, and putting him through mock interviews. From beginning to end (and we say end loosely because she has continued to follow-up with him even after he secured a job); we found her services invaluable to him as well as us. We couldn’t be more pleased.

Early Career Client - Guidance

Naomi is a skillful professional who goes above and beyond in working with clients and truly loves to see them succeed. I would not be where I am professionally without her guidance and expertise.

Parents of a Recent College Graduate - Full Package

Naomi Koller is the consummate professional. She guided and advised my just graduated son through the very difficult… sometimes very confusing job search process. No detail was too small… they talked about every job possibility, about how to update his resume, prepare for interviews, anticipate questions, appropriate responses and provided valuable feedback. She does it all and the result was my son received a job offer in his chosen field quite quickly. We are thrilled and highly recommend Naomi!

Early Career Client - Job Search, Personal Branding, Interviewing

Naomi was incredibly helpful in my job search. She dramatically improved my resume and LinkedIn profile, which led to me receiving multiple interview requests every week. She also found many suitable jobs for me online, which allowed me to augment my application total. During the interview stage, she helped me research the company and advised me on how to present myself. Throughout the process, she was extremely accessible, and I never had trouble scheduling an appointment. I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a new opportunity as well as anyone looking to improve their personal brand.

Mom of Graduating College Student - Job Search, Interviews, Branding

My son needed help with securing a job after graduation from college and Naomi was the perfect solution. She is absolutely professional, but also friendly and fun to work with. Shortly after Naomi became involved, interviews started coming and better yet, a great job offer. And, Naomi kept a very nervous mother calm throughout the process. We cannot thank Naomi enough and recommend her without hesitation.

Early Career Client - Resume for Recent College Grad

I sought out Naomi for her guidance in putting together a professional resume. From the beginning, it was clear that Naomi paid great attention to detail and had a stellar work ethic. I highly recommend seeking Naomi’s advice if you have any career questions.

Graduate School Applicant

Naomi will get you where you want to go. She has an unwavering commitment to ensuring the success of all her clients and arming them with key tools to ensure that you are a competitive candidate in your field. Her pragmatism, drive, and commitment to excellence are unparalleled.